Plugin Connector

What is a Connector?

A connector connects a property of the outbound entity instance with a property of the inbound entity instance and propagates the changes of the value.

During propagation a propagation function is called. The propagation function has one single input (the incoming value). Connectors of different types has different propagation functions.

The propagation function can only do simple things (like casting or logging) but in fact even these simple operations makes the control flow much simpler and much more readable.

How does a connector work?

The connector is a relation instance which connects two entity instances. The relation itself stores the names of the output property and the input property.

In theory, it's also possible to connect two properties of the same entity instance.

On construction the streams are connected.

On destruction of the connector, the stream will be removed.


  1. Connecting properties of the same entity instance is discouraged to prevent feedback loops
  2. No type checks are performed on construction (yet; you are responsible)
  3. There is no check about feedback loops (yet; you are responsible)
  4. Renaming the relation properties (outbound_property_name, inbound_property_name) doesn't have any effect (yet). You have to remove the old connector and recreate a new connector.


NameDescriptionPropertiesData TypeSocket Type
connectorConnects two propertiesoutbound_property_namestringnone
bufferA buffer for FIFOs and interpolationbuffer_sizenumbernone
propagation_counterCounts connector propagations. This component can be applied on all types of connectorspropagation_countnumbernone

Relation Types

buffered_fifo_connectorconnectorThis connector propagates the first inserted value of the FIFO buffer with the given size
debounce_connectorconnectorThis connector propagates the value if and only if the value is different
debug_connectorconnectorThis connector logs the value before propagation (log level debug)
default_connectorconnectorThis is the default connector type, which simply does nothing than propagate the value
delay_connectorconnectorThis connector propagates the value after a given duration. This operation is blocking
numeric_interpolation_connectorconnectorThis connector propagates the average of the numeric elements in the buffer
parse_float_connectorconnectorThis connector parses a string value and propagates a float value
parse_int_connectorconnectorThis connector parses a string value and propagates a int value
to_string_connectorconnectorThis connector converts the value of any type to string before propagation
trace_connectorconnectorThis connector logs the value before propagation (log level trace)
increment_by_connectorconnectorThis connector adds the value of the outbound property to the value of the inbound property
decrement_by_connectorconnectorThis connector subtracts the value of the outbound property from the value of the inbound property

Future: More (useful) connectors

str_split_connectorconnectorA string is split into tokens. Propagates an JSON array of string tokens
str_join_connectorconnectorJoins an array of strings and propagates the resulting string

Platform Compatibility






GraphQL: Create a new connector

mutation {
  instances {
    relations {
      createConnector: create(
        edgeKey: {
          outboundId: "dc82735e-28ec-4c24-aedb-d968b73b288f",
          typeName: "default_connector--value--value"
          inboundId: "4cf8e6d8-f92e-4ffa-9610-ec0635f55e08",
        properties: [
            name: "outbound_property_name",
            value: "value"
            name: "inbound_property_name",
            value: "value"
      ) {
        type {
          names: [
        ) {