Model: Component

A component is a reusable building block for entity types and relation types. A component semantically represents an aspect of one or more entity types or relation types.

For example, the component "named" represents that something has a name. In practice, the component has a property called "name" which contains the name. The "named" component can be used in a wide variety of cases. For example, a player has a name, a server has a name, and a player model also has a name. Apart from the name, they have little in common.

A component should provide at least one property. However, it is also possible to define several properties.

Another example is the "position" component, which defines the x, y, and z coordinates. Again, this is a perfect example of a Component. Because all things in a 3D world have a position. A player has a position, a camera, a flag or a light each have a position. But here, too, they have little in common. And yet they have at least one thing in common.

A player has a name and a position, i.e. an entity type (just like a relation type) can consist of several components. The properties of all components are merged.

Data Model

NameStringThe name of the componentlabeled
DescriptionStringTextual description of the componentThe label is an hierarchical path with static segments, named parameters and catch-all parameters.
PropertiesVec<Property Type>The properties which are applied on entity or relation instances.

ER Diagram

    Component {
        string name
        string description
    Property-Type {
        string name
        string description
    Extension {
        string name
        JSON extension
    Component ||--}o Property-Type : defines
    Property-Type ||--}o Extension : has
    Entity-Type o{--}o Component : composes
    Relation-Type o{--}o Component : composes
