Model: Relation Instance

A relation instance is a connection between an outbound entity instance and an inbound entity instance. The relation instance has a type, the relation type. The relation type defines which entity type the outbound entity type and which entity type the inbound entity type must have.

Data Model

OutboundEntityInstanceThe outbound entity instance
TypeRelationTypeThe relation type
InboundEntityInstanceThe inbound entity instance
DescriptionStringTextual description of the relation instance
PropertiesVec<Property Instance>The properties
ComponentsVecThe currently applied components
BehavioursVecThe currently applied behaviours


graph LR;
    A(Outbound Entity Instance)===>|"Relation Instance"|B(Inbound Entity Instance);

ER Diagram

    Entity-Type {
        string name
        string namespace
        string description
    Entity-Instance {
        string id
        string label
        string description
    Relation-Type {
        string name
        string instanceTypeName
        string namespace
        string description
    Relation-Instance {
        string name
        string instanceTypeName
        string namespace
        string description
    Property-Type {
        string name
        string description
        enum DataType
        enum SocketType
    Property-Instance {
        string name
        JSON value
    Entity-Instance ||--}o Property-Instance : stores
    Entity-Instance o{--}o Relation-Instance : outbound
    Entity-Instance o{--}o Relation-Instance : inbound
    Relation-Instance ||--}o Property-Instance : stores
    Relation-Instance o{--|| Relation-Type : is-a
    Property-Instance o{--|| Property-Type : is-a
    Entity-Instance o{--|| Entity-Type : is-a
    Entity-Type ||--}o Property-Type : defines
    Relation-Type ||--}o Property-Type : defines
    Entity-Type ||--}o Relation-Type : outbound
    Entity-Type ||--}o Relation-Type : inbound
