Model: Property Type

Components, entity types and relation types define which properties they contain. The so-called property types define the name, the data type and whether the property is an input or an output.

Data Model

NameStringThe name of the propertyname
DescriptionStringTextual description of the property
DataTypeDataTypeThe data type of the property
SocketTypeSocketTypeThe socket type
ExtensionsVec<Extension>The extensions contains additional information about the property type

ER Diagram

    Property-Type {
        string name
        string description
        enum DataType
        enum SocketType
    Extension {
        string name
        JSON extension
    Property-Type ||--}o Extension : has
    Component ||--}o Property-Type : defines
    Entity-Type ||--}o Property-Type : defines
    Relation-Type ||--}o Property-Type : defines

Enum Data Type

A property has a data type. This is derived from serde_json::Value and maps JSON values or documents.

NullRepresents a JSON null value
BoolRepresents a JSON boolean
NumberRepresents a JSON number, whether integer or floating point
StringRepresents a JSON string
ArrayRepresents a JSON array.
ObjectRepresents a JSON object.
AnyRepresents any type (relations)

Enum Socket Type

The socket type determines whether a property serves as an input or an output. It is also possible that a property is neither an input nor an output. Caution: At runtime, it is not prevented if an input is used as an output or an output is used as an input.

NoneThe property doesn't act as input or output socket
InputThe property acts as input socket and accepts incoming connections
OutputThe property acts as output socket and accepts outgoing connections

Where is the value???

A property type only contains the definition of a property, but no data, since it is a type.

When an entity instance or a relation instance is created, the property types are used to create property instances. The property instances then contain a data stream and the last value.