Configure Plugins

Edit config/plugins.toml

Order of initialization

The plugins are initialized in the order of definition!

Deactive plugins

You can activate or deactivate plugins with the setting active. Remember that some plugins depend on other plugins.


The path can be either relative to the working directory or absolute.


name = "inexor-rgf-plugin-base"
active = true
path = "../inexor-rgf-plugin-base/target/debug/"

name = "inexor-rgf-plugin-mqtt"
active = true
path = "../inexor-rgf-plugin-mqtt/target/debug/"

Please note

  • The filename of the linked library is prefixed with lib
  • On linux the file extension is .so
  • The path separators are forward slashes /


name = "inexor-rgf-plugin-base"
active = true
path = "..\\inexor-rgf-plugin-base\\target\\debug\\inexor_rgf_plugin_base.dll"

name = "inexor-rgf-plugin-mqtt"
active = true
path = "..\\inexor-rgf-plugin-mqtt\\target/debug\\inexor_rgf_plugin_mqtt.dll"

Please note

  • The filename of the linked library is not prefixed with lib
  • On Windows the file extension is .dll
  • The path separators are backslashes and must be escaped \\