
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.9.0-4] - 2023-03-26


  • Configuration: Configure the instance
  • Configuration: Configure the graphql server
  • Configuration: Configure the plugins
  • Configuration: Added config manager
  • Plugin Resolver: Disable all plugins
  • Plugin Resolver: Disable specific plugins
  • Plugin Repository Manager: Remove duplicate plugins in plugin installation folder
  • Executable: Added cli argument for the instance name and description
  • Executable: Added cli argument for disabling all plugins
  • Executable: Added cli argument for disabling a specific plugin
  • Executable: Added cli argument for disabling hot deployment
  • Executable: Added cli argument for configuring the hostname and port of the GraphQL server
  • Executable: Added cli argument for configuring the shutdown timeout
  • Type System: Allow merging types into existing types and plugin type providers are now merging instead of ignoring changes
  • GraphQL: Simplify trigger action by providing a dedicated GraphQL mutation
  • GraphQL: Allow sorting of type properties
  • GraphQL: Allow sorting of type extensions


  • Workspace: Create mono repository
  • Workspace: Migrate repository frp into workspace
  • Workspace: Migrate repository model into workspace
  • Workspace: Migrate repository builder into workspace
  • Workspace: Migrate repository reactive into workspace
  • Runtime: Refactor into runtime and binary
  • Runtime: Use tokio as async runtime
  • Plugin Resolver: Resolving plugins asynchronously
  • Plugin Lifecycle: Make plugin activate and deactivate methods async
  • GraphQL: Generate dynamic GraphQL schema using async-graphql 5.0.0

[0.8.0] - 2022-02-01


  • Plugins: Plugin resolver state machine
  • Plugins: Plugin dependencies and plugin versioning
  • Plugins: Plugin installation directory
  • Plugins: Hot deployment
  • Plugins: Gracefully shutdown and refresh plugins and their behaviours during deployment / hot deployment
  • Plugins: GraphQL: List, start, stop and restart plugins
  • Plugins: GraphQL: List unsatisfied dependencies
  • Behaviours: Lifecycles (init, connect, disconnect, shutdown)
  • Behaviours: A state machine manages the behaviour (connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting)
  • Behaviours: Compute behaviour initially
  • Behaviours: Validation layer for behaviours
  • Behaviours: Factories can construct behaviour instances
  • Behaviours: Handle behaviour construction errors
  • Behaviours: Macro support for implementing behaviours
  • Behaviours: Added GraphQL API for behaviours + Allow connecting and disconnecting behaviours manually (flow editor)
  • Behaviours: Unit tests for lots of reactive behaviours
  • Model: Introduce namespaces
  • Model: Use concrete type system identifiers instead of strings
  • API: Validate types on construction (validate that components or entity types are present)


  • Behaviours: Centralized behaviour storage (no more store behaviours in the plugins)
  • Behaviours: Reimplemented lots of reactive behaviours
  • Plugins: Split most plugins into a model and plugin crate
  • API: Make service API and plugin API more consistent (same/similar method names + use type system identifiers)
  • Tooling: rustfmt uses separate lines per import

[0.7.0] - 2022-09-25


  • Flow Types: Replicate and instantiate flows multiple times (like flow templates)
  • Dynamic Graph: A second GraphQL api make the access to the instance system more intuitive
  • Plugins: Avoid boilerplate using plugin macros
  • Plugins: Metadata about the plugin
  • Plugins: Dependency information
  • Plugins: Expose GraphQL query service to plugins


  • Plugin: Dedicated error messages for the plugin API
  • Plugin: Default trait implementations for the plugin API to reduce boilerplate
  • Plugin: Return option none if a plugin doesn't use certain functionality

[0.6.0] - 2022-02-26


  • Documentation: Added initial documentation as book (using mdBook)
  • GraphQL: Navigate from components to entity types and to relation types
  • GraphQL: Navigate from a property instance to the property type
  • GraphQL: Shortcut labels
  • GraphQL: Filter flows by flow type
  • GraphQL: Get flow by label
  • GraphQL: Search instances by property value
  • GraphQL: Added method to add/remove component to/from an existing instances
  • GraphQL: Added filters for instances for applied components/behaviours
  • Model: Components can have extensions
  • Core: Provide required components and entity types in the application core
  • Core: Event System for Type System and Instance System


  • GraphQL: Rename mutation types (Remove prefix GraphQl)
  • GraphQL: Rename type_name to type
  • GraphQL: Stream property instances in subscriptions instead of handcrafted JSONs
  • GraphQL: Simplified label resolver
  • GraphQL: Removed behaviour resolver from types
  • Model: Make extensions a separate type (used in components, entity types and relation types)
  • Model: Removed behaviours from types
  • Model: Added list of applied components and behaviours to reactive instances
  • Documentation: Convert code of conduct and changelog to markdown
  • Documentation: Added code of conduct and changelog to book

[0.5.0] - 2022-01-20


  • Plugin API: Added find, import & export methods for all managers
  • Core: Search for type names with wildcards


  • Refactored dependency injection library
  • Updated dependencies of the dependency injection library


  • Plugin-API: Removed dependencies for faster builds and smaller plugin binaries: actix-http, actix-web, async-std, query_interface, inexor-rgf-core-reactive