GraphQL is the most important interface for interaction with the Reactive Graph Flow.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL stands for "Graph Query Language". It is a query language with which data present in graphs can be efficiently queried and selectively modified.

Why do we use GraphQL?

As already described, Inexor uses a graph to hold the highly interconnected data of the Entity Component System. A query language like GraphQL allows navigating on this graph. For example, it is possible to navigate from an entity instance to its entity type. It is best described by the three graphics that show the possibilities available through the GraphQL interface.

GraphQL was chosen as the query language because it is independent of a specific programming language and because it can be used across technologies.

GraphQL also supports subscribing to change to data. This is also the case, for example, in the reactive property instances. It is possible to subscribe to a property of an entity instance via GraphQL and get changes to this property in real time.

Other advantages of GraphQL are type safety and the fact that semantics can be mapped better.


GraphQL Queries

GraphQL Schema Visualization


GraphQL Mutations

GraphQL Schema Visualization


GraphQL Subscriptions

GraphQL Schema Visualization

GraphQL Endpoint

The GraphQL endpoint can be reached at http://hostname/31415/graphql or ws://hostname/31415/graphql.

The GraphQL schema is well documented.

Schema Introspection

The GraphQL Server allows introspection and returns a GraphQL schema including documentation. With this it is possible to validate queries and mutations and some tools can use the schema to provide autocompletion for creating queries.

GraphQL Tools