Generators and Actions





What is a generator?

A generator produces boolean trues and sends them via the output property trigger.

There are many types of generators:

  • A periodic timer
  • A scheduler
  • A changed file on the filesystem (fs_notify)
  • A random bool generator
  • An user which has pressed a button on the user interface
  • A physical event from an input device like a keystroke

What is a action?

A action is something which should be executed or processed only and only if the input property trigger receives a boolean true.

Combine triggers and actions within a single entity using components

An entity instance can have multiple components.

For example, you can combine file with fs_notify and load_binary.

By doing so, the trigger property is both:

  • A generator: The component fs_notify fires trigger when the file has been modified on the filesystem
  • A action: The component load_binary gets triggered immediately and loads the content of the file into a property

This example shows the great possibilities of the component system and how to use the generator-action-system. By combining components into one single entity instance, the behaviour of the entity instance can get more complex. At the same time a flow is more compact.

Another example is to combine a user-interface-button as generator with an update-the-asset-repository as an action.





behaviour: fs_notify

behaviour: load_binary_data


