Command Line Interface - General Usage

How to use the command line interface

$ reactive-graph client [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]


To get the instance information of the local server:

$ reactive-graph client instance-info get

To get the instance information of a remote server:

$ reactive-graph client --hostname=localhost --port=31415 instance-info get


execute-commandExecutes a command on the client
instance-infoPrints information about the instance
pluginsManage plugins
remotesManage remotes
shutdownShutdown the runtime
componentsManage components
entity-typesManage entity types
relation-typesManage relation types
entity-instancesManage entity instances
helpPrint this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


--hostname The hostname to connect to
--port The port to connect to
--secure If true, connects via HTTPS [possible values: true, false]
--endpoint-graphql <ENDPOINT_GRAPHQL>The graphql endpoint for the type system and instance system
--endpoint-dynamic-graph <ENDPOINT_DYNAMIC_GRAPH>The graphql endpoint for the dynamic graph
--endpoint-runtime <ENDPOINT_RUNTIME>The graphql endpoint for the runtime
--endpoint-plugins <ENDPOINT_PLUGINS>The graphql endpoint for plugins
--bearer The authentication token
-h, --helpPrint help
-V, --versionPrint version