Web Resource Provider

Plugins can implement the trait WebResourceProvider in order to register handlers for endpoints.

Use Cases

  • Deliver static files & web applications
  • Provide REST endpoints

Trait WebResourceProvider

fn main() {
impl WebResourceProvider for ExampleWebResourceProviderImpl {
    fn get_context_path(&self) -> String {

    fn handle_web_resource(
        path: String,
        _request: Request<HttpBody>,
    ) -> Result<Response<HttpBody>> {
        let asset = FlowEditorWebResourceAsset::get(path.as_ref());
        match asset {
            Some(asset) => {
                let body: HttpBody = match asset.data {
                    Cow::Borrowed(bytes) => HttpBody::Binary(bytes.to_vec()),
                    Cow::Owned(bytes) => HttpBody::Binary(bytes.to_vec()),
                let mime_type = from_path(path.as_str()).first_or_octet_stream();
                    .header(CONTENT_TYPE, mime_type.to_string())
            None => Response::builder()