Plugin: String


NamePropertyData TypeSocket Type

Entity Types / Behaviours

camel_casestring_operationConverts the input to camel case
capitalizestring_operationConverts the first character of the input to upper case and convert the rest of the input to lower case
char_countstring_number_operationCounts the characters
char_count_graphemesstring_number_operationCounts the graphemes in the input string taking care of surrogate pairs and combining marks
chop_afterstring_operationReturns everything after the given search
chop_after_laststring_operationReturns everything after the last given search
chop_beforestring_operationReturns everything before the given search
chop_before_laststring_operationReturns everything before the last given search
chop_remove_prefixstring_operationExtracts the prefix from the input
chop_remove_suffixstring_operationExtracts the suffix from the input
concatstring_gateConcatenate lhs with rhs
containsstring_comparisonReturns true, if lhs contains rhs
count_substringsstring_string_number_gateCounts the number of substring appearances in the input string
count_unique_wordsstring_string_number_gateCounting occurrences of unique words in the input string. This function respects unicode
count_wordsstring_string_number_gateCounts the number of words in the input string
decapitalizestring_operationConverts the first character of the input to lower case and convert the rest of the input to lower case
ends_withstring_comparisonReturns true, if lhs ends with rhs
escape_htmlstring_operationEscapes HTML special characters
escape_regexpstring_operationEscapes the regular expression special characters
is_alphastring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string contains only alpha characters
is_alpha_digitstring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string contains contains only alpha and digit characters
is_blankstring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is empty or contains only whitespaces
is_camel_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is camelCased
is_capitalizestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is capitalized and the rest of the input string is lower case
is_decapitalizestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is decapitalized and the rest of the input string is converted to lower case
is_digitstring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string contains only digit characters
is_emptystring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is empty
is_kebab_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is kebab-cased
is_lower_firststring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string has the first character in lower case
is_lowercasestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string has only lower case characters
is_numericstring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is numeric
is_pascal_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is PascalCased
is_shouty_kebab_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is SHOUTY-KEBAB-CASED
is_shouty_snake_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is SHOUTY_SNAKE_CASED
is_snake_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is snake_cased
is_train_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is Train-Cased
is_title_casestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string is a titlecased string and there is at least one character
is_upper_firststring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string has the first character in upper case
is_uppercasestring_bool_operationChecks whether the input string has only upper case characters
kebab_casestring_operationConverts the input to kebab case
lower_firststring_operationConverts the first character of the input to lower case
lowercasestring_operationConverts the input to lower case
pascal_casestring_operationConverts the input to pascal case
shouty_kebab_casestring_operationConverts the input to SHOUTY kebab case
shouty_snake_casestring_operationConverts the input to SHOUTY snake case
snake_casestring_operationConverts the input to snake case
starts_withstring_comparisonReturns true, if lhs starts with rhs
string_lengthstring_number_operationReturns the length of the input string
strip_html_tagsstring_operationStrips all HTML tags
swap_casestring_operationConverts the input to swap case
templatingRenders a template
title_casestring_operationConverts the input to title case
train_casestring_operationConverts the input to train case
trimstring_operationRemoves whitespace at the beginning and end of a string
trim_endstring_operationRemoves whitespace at the end of a string
trim_startstring_operationRemoves whitespace at the beginning of a string
unescape_htmlstring_operationUnescapes HTML special characters
upper_firststring_operationConverts the first character of the input to upper case
uppercasestring_operationConverts the input to upper case

Rust Crate / Rust Reference


Platform Compatibility


