5. Plugin System

The plugin system is a central building block and is therefore mentioned first. The goal of the plugin system is to keep the core as small as possible. The core of the application is described in the next section. Plugins, on the other hand, contain the functionalities.

The aim of the plugin system is also that you don't have to restart the core application completely just because a small part has changed. It should be sufficient to restart the modified plugin.

Also, if a plugin stops working, or if the plugin's configuration is changed, restarting the plugin might avoid restarting the core application.

In addition, the file size of the binary file is reduced since only its libraries are compiled in the core application.

In addition, only what is actually used is loaded. Plugins that are not required for the application can be deactivated.

Trait Plugin

fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {

    // ===== Metadata =====

    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<PluginMetadata, PluginError> {}

    // ===== Lifecycle =====

    fn init(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {}

    fn post_init(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {}

    fn pre_shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {}

    fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {}

    // ===== Context =====

    fn set_context(&self, context: Arc<dyn PluginContext>) -> Result<(), PluginError> {}

    // ===== Providers =====
    fn get_component_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn ComponentProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_entity_type_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn EntityTypeProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_relation_type_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn RelationTypeProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_component_behaviour_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn ComponentBehaviourProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_entity_behaviour_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn EntityBehaviourProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_relation_behaviour_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn RelationBehaviourProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_flow_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn FlowProvider>, PluginError> {}

    fn get_web_resource_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn WebResourceProvider>, PluginError> {}

Provide plugin metadata

Built-in metadata of the plugin:

  • The name of the plugin (use environment variable CARGO_PKG_NAME)
  • The description of the plugin (use environment variable CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION)
  • The version of the plugin (use environment variable CARGO_PKG_VERSION)
fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {
    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<PluginMetadata, PluginError> {
        Ok(PluginMetadata {
            name: env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME").into(),
            description: env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION").into(),
            version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").into(),


The plugin trait provides methods to do initialization and shutdown before and after setting up and shutting down providers.

TODO: Lifecycle Image

fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {
    fn init(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        // Called before initialization of the providers

    fn post_init(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        // Called after initialization of the providers

    fn pre_shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        // Called before shutdown of the providers

    fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        // Called after shutdown of the providers

Trait PluginContext

fn main() {
pub trait PluginContext: Send + Sync {
    /// Returns the component manager.
    fn get_component_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn ComponentManager>;

    /// Returns the entity type manager.
    fn get_entity_type_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn EntityTypeManager>;

    /// Returns the relation type manager.
    fn get_relation_type_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn RelationTypeManager>;

    /// Returns the entity instance manager.
    fn get_entity_instance_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn EntityInstanceManager>;

    /// Returns the relation instance manager.
    fn get_relation_instance_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn RelationInstanceManager>;

    /// Returns the flow manager.
    fn get_flow_manager(&self) -> Arc<dyn FlowManager>;

Make use of the plugin context

The plugin have to store a reference to the plugin context. Therefore, you have to implement the method set_context which is called during initialization:

fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {
    fn set_context(&self, context: Arc<dyn PluginContext>) -> Result<(), PluginError> {

If you want to make use of the EntityInstanceManager you have to:

  1. Get a RwLock on the context
  2. Get a reference of the EntityInstanceManager using get_entity_instance_manager
  3. Create the entity instance using a builder (non-reactive)
  4. Create/register the entity instance using create returns a reactive entity instance
fn main() {
impl TestManager {
    fn create_entity(&self) {
        let reader = self.context.0.read().unwrap();
        let entity_instance_manager = reader.as_ref().unwrap().get_entity_instance_manager().clone();
        let entity_instance = EntityInstanceBuilder::new("entity_type_name")
            .property("property_name", json!("property_value"))
        let reactive_entity_instance = entity_instance_manager.create(entity_instance);

Implement or ignore providers

If your plugin provide components you have to return a reference of the ComponentProvider:

fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {
    fn get_component_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn ComponentProvider>, PluginError> {
        let component_provider = self.component_provider.clone();
        let component_provider: Result<Arc<dyn ComponentProvider>, _> = <dyn query_interface::Object>::query_arc(component_provider);
        if component_provider.is_err() {
            return Err(PluginError::NoComponentProvider);

If your plugin doesn't provide components:

fn main() {
impl Plugin for ComparisonPluginImpl {
    fn get_component_provider(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn ComponentProvider>, PluginError> {

The same applies to all other providers:

  • ComponentProvider
  • EntityTypeProvider
  • RelationTypeProvider
  • EntityBehaviourProvider
  • RelationBehaviourProvider
  • FlowProvider
  • WebResourceProvider